Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What We're Reading Wednesday: May 11. 2016

What We're Reading Wednesday is a feature where we share with each other what we're currently reading.

This is my new Kindle read that I just started today. I'm really excited to read it, as it's been on my want-to-read list since I first heard about it.

My graphic novel read, which I'm almost done with, and I'm bummed out about that. It's the kind of sweet, delightful, cozy read you don't want to end.

This is my eread on my phone. I'm about 60% done with it now, and while it continues to be delightfully well-written, there is barely any mystery still. I feel like the book was mislabeled as a mystery, which is disappointing, but I'm committed to it enough now to see it through.

This is my first Bout of Books book, and I'm about halfway through it. It's the last entry in the Asylum trilogy, and after I finish it, I plan to read the Asylum novellas that supplement the story.

What are you reading this Wednesday?

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