Monday, September 14, 2015

Mystery Monday: A Few Cozy Favorites

Sometimes I need a mystery that is light, fun, and cozy. I'm usually up for trying any genre mystery, but these are some series that I have had a lot of fun with so far.

*The Bad Hair Day Mysteries by Nancy J. Cohen

The protagonist, Marla Shore, is a beauty salon owner who keeps finding herself entangled in mysterious murders. The Florida setting is very vivid, and Cohen has a great sense of humor in her stories. The characters are unique and fun as well, and the romance is one to root for.

*Heather Wells Mysteries by Meg Cabot

Heather Wells is one of my favorite cozy mystery protagonists. She is funny, real, and smart. She is also a former pop star who now is an assistant dorm director at a New York college. You will fall in love with Heather, and the mysteries are really creative too.

*Sophie Katz mysteries by Kyra Davis

Davis' protagonist is a mystery writer herself, addicted to caffeine and tough as nails. She's like a modern noir heroine in my opinion, able to take care of herself, solve mysteries, and throw back Frappuchinos like they're water.

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